Well, you need to partition your hard drive. Partitioning your hard drive designates usable space on your hdd.
And you need to format your hard drive. Formatting installs a file system on to your hard drive, it allows the operating system to read, write and overall understand the data stored on the disk. Without it, an OS cannot keep track of file locations, nor can it typically identify already used sectors (space) on a hdd.
However, neither of these two concepts are tests.
Check the explanation
For 9th byte , it is from 8*8 bit to 9"8th bit so each word consists of 64 bits , to find word address u have to divide 8*8 by 64.
Offset within word = 9*8modulo 64.
For 27th byte , word address = 8*27/64.
Offset within word = 27* 8 modulo 64
For 21th byte , word address = 8*31/64
Offset within the word = 31*8 modulo 64
For 120 , word address = 8*120/64
Offset within the word = 120*8 modulo 64.
import random
computer_choice = random.choice(["rock", "paper", "scissors"])
user_choice = input("rock, paper, or scissors? ")
if computer_choice == user_choice:
print("It's a draw!")
elif user_choice == "rock" and computer_choice == "scissors":
print("You win!")
elif user_choice == "paper" and computer_choice == "rock":
print("You win!")
elif user_choice == "scissors" and computer_choice == "paper":
print("You win!")
print("The computer wins!")
I wrote my code in python 3.8. I hope this helps.
You have to do that on your computer not someone elses....
Explanation: you have to do it
The solution code is written in Java.
- public static void swapArrayEnds(int myArray[]){
- int lastIndex = myArray.length-1;
- int temp = myArray[0];
- myArray[0] = myArray[lastIndex];
- myArray[lastIndex ] = temp;
- }
First create the swapArrayEngs method that take one input array parameter (Line 1).
Since we need to swap the first and last element of the array, we need to get the first index and last index of the array. The first index is 0 and the last index can be calculated by subtracting the length of array from 1 (Line 2).
Next, we can create a temp variable to hold the value of the first element (Line 3). Then we use the lastIndex the get the value of last element and assign it to the first element of array (Line 4). Lastly, we assign the temp (holding the initial first element value) to the last element of array (Line 5).