The utilitarian government must stop short of a fully egalitarian society in order to maximise total utility
I don't think anyone's found a definitive answer yet, but the more studies are done, the more we find is because of nature, not nurture. There is no doubt that BOTH are important.
Most were young, working-class draftees. :)
Answer:A. he held this would allow the population to thin itself out naturally
Thomas Malthus's theory was concerned with the rate of population growth. He the established the Malthusian theory of population growth which states that population growth occurs exponentially, whilst the production of food increases linearly. Exponentially means it increases faster and faster especially as birth rates also increases. Linear increase of food production means it goes through stages and can only increase at a given point.
As a resulf of this , it likely that population will grow up to a point where the available resources are less than the population itself , it will out grow the resources.
So he looked at want can be done to reduce this potential effect of poulation growth and he determined types of checks.
Preventive checks things are things that people can do voluntarily such as delaying getting married in which he supported moral restraint as a religious person himself.
He also determined positive checks which may help shorten the lifespan such as disease,famine ,warfare and poor living. So to him these catastrophic events may assist in reducing the increase of population by shortening the life span, naturally decreasing the population.