Sewage holds toxic microbes and contains a mixture of suspended impurities. When these impurities hit drinking water microorganisms begin to deteriorate the water, and uses up the dissolved oxygen with the microorganisms, making these water dangerous to drink from. Major impacts of this can include giardia, salmonella, cryptosporidium, and E. coli.
(A) PaO₂ below normal: PaO₂ is used to describe the partial pressure of oxygen dissolved in the blood. When it is below normal, it indicates the individual isn't getting enough oxygen hence there is low pressure of dissolved oxygen in the blood. This sign/symptom falls under the Respiratory/oxygenation data cluster.
(B) Dyspnea on exertion: Dyspnea is a term used to describe shortness of breath while dyspnea on exertion is when an individual runs out of breath as a result of not been able to breath deeply/properly during or after an exercise. This sign/symptom also falls under the Respiration/oxygenation data cluster.
(C) Productive cough: This is a type of cough that produces/forces mucus out of the airway (thereby clearing the airway). This sign/symptom from this description is also Respiratory/oxygenation data cluster.
(D) Oxygenation saturation 92%: Oxygen saturation is when the body can supply enough oxygen to the cells and tissues within it's system. This sign/symptom is also a Respiratory/oxygenation data cluster.
(E) Feels "too tired to do much": This can also be referred to as fatigue. This is usually as a result of inadequate energy produced (usually from glycolysis) in the body. This sign/symptom, from this description, is a Reduced energy level data cluster.
(F) Requires frequent rest periods: This usually occurs as a result of imbalance in the body's metabolism. Here, the body uses more energy than it produces; more anabolic processes (energy requiring) than catabolic processes (energy produced/released). This sign/symptom, from this description, is a Reduced energy level data cluster.
First law is Law of Conservation of Energy it states that enegy cant be made in a isolated system. The second law is Law of Thermodynamics it states that the entropy of any isolated system always increases.
Although an individual gene may code for a specific physical trait, that gene can exist in different forms, or alleles. ... In other cases, each parent provides a different allele of a given gene, and the offspring is referred to as heterozygous ("hetero" meaning "different") for that allele.
Our youth is exposed to cigarettes, vape pens etc and that whole industry trying to target the youth even make them flavorful to be more appealing to the youth