Which substance has a high albedo? B) White Sand
The albedo is the amount of energy that is reflected by a surface. It is determined by the refletivity of that surface. Albedo can range from 0 (no reflection) to a value of 1 (100% reflection). Generally, dark surfaces have a low albedo and light surfaces have a high albedo. Liquid water is considered to have a low albedo, like dark rock and rich soil.
They are used as an indicator organism for pathogenic bacteria.
Coliforms are bacteria found in digestive tract of animals and humans. They are non-pathogenic, easy to culture and are used as an alternative indirect testing for presence of other microorganisms. Coliforms thrive in exact environmental conditions like other pathogenic bacteria, thus often used to indicate whether they are bacteria found in drinking water and swimming pools that might end up causing infections.
Therefore the existence of coliforms in water easily indicates feacal contamination.
The Ottomans were the first empire to use firearms and gunpowder.
The hormones that stimulate the breakdown of liver glycogen are epinephrine and glucagon. Epinephrine is the one that triggers the glycogen breakdown inside the muscle and also inside the liver. However, the liver is the one that is more active or responsive to the hormone called glucagon than the muscles. A glucagon is a hormone which is a polypeptide hidden by the cells of our pancreas called α cells whenever our blood-sugar is low. This hormone indicates the state of starving.
A molecule is a group of atoms held together by chemical bonds in a stable association