It is a mourning poem called an elegy.
The poem is an elegy which is a type of poem that is written in deep sadness and mourning.
From the poem, it shows a man that is dealing with the loss of his son and is trying to cope with the grief and death of his son.
<u>"Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy; My sin was too much hope of thee, lov'd boy."</u>
Tele is defined as from a long distance
Everyone is happy and gets to be with the one they love.
The theme of this poem is rebirth. In the setting of spring, we can see the farmer helping the farm in the process of rebirth and watching over the new life that's growing. In the refrain, we see that this farmer has a loving relationship with the person he's speaking to as he invites his friend to come along with him.