Persecuting a person because of their belief system can physically injure or cause pain to someone.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. In this book, Hitler subjected the Jews to hostility and I'll treatments because of their belief system.
So, it's strange when Miss Gates says says American's do not persecute.
In fact, Tom Robinson who was a black man accused of raping Mayella Ewells, a white woman was openly persecuted because of the color of his skin, even when it's clear that he was innocent. He even died while in jail.
Since misery and depression are both sad/bad kinds of feelings, then we have to find a pair of words that have the same kind of feeling in order to complete this analogy. The correct answer should be melancholy and boredom.
The brain is the most vital organ in the human body because they're more developed than the brains of other animals. However, humans have traits that other animals don't, such as, the ability to think, ability to invent new ideas, and ability to remember.
yes you have the explanation and everything correct as to why C would be the correct answer.