something specific a person wants to achieve m8
The answer is handouts.
A handout is a pamphlet with information on your presentation you can give to your audience
Sorry but it donest show the picture
total = 0
for i in range(5):
score = int(input("Enter a score: "))
total += score
average = total / 5
print("The average is " + str(average))
*The code is in Python.
Initialize the total as 0
Create a for loop that iterates five times. Inside the loop, ask the user to enter a score. Add the score to the total (cumulative sum)
After the loop, calculate the average, divide the total by 5
Print the average
public static List<String> listUpper(List<String> list){
List<String> upperList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String s:list){
s = s.toUpperCase();
return upperList;
Create a method named listUpper that takes list as a parameter
Inside the method, initialize a new list named upperList. Create a for-each loop that iterates through the list. Inside the loop, convert each string to uppercase, using toUpperCase method, and add it to the upperList.
When the loop is done, return the upperList