Answer: Two factor theory of emotion
According to a two factor theory our emotions are made up of two elements which is physcal arousal that is further determined by cognitive label.
In order for us to experience an emotion it start with our physcal response to what our mind will the interpret for us cognitively and then we are able to grasp how we are feeling at that moment.
It pays attention on how we label our physiological arousal For example trembling and heart racing is our physiological response or arousal and our mind label this to let use know that we are afraid because we are trembling. So it start with physiological responses which are further labeled using our cognitive abilities.
(1) to build knowledge and facilitate efficient learning, (2) to understand various issues, (3) to know the truth and prove lies, and (4) to seek opportunities, among others.
In the long-term, the Revolution would also have significant effects on the lives of slaves and free blacks as well as the institution of slavery itself. It also affected Native Americans by opening up western settlement and creating governments hostile to their territorial claims.