I think the answer would be, "O coward that I am, to live so long, / To see my best friend ta'en before my face!".
I'm not exactly sure if this is correct, but I think it states that he's been guilty for a long time and he can't escape...?
opportunity costs are the alternative choice in which you could make when making a financial decision while a trade-off is something that you could switch out in order to make a different decision
Some say that a tsunami's sea wave can scotch an entire island. All you will hear is a sudden silence, shadowed by the roar of a wave and then Splash! You are drowned in debri and dampened by dirty water.
Alliteration: "Some say...tsunami's sea...scotch" "sudden silence" "drowned in debri....dampened by dirty"
Onomotoppoeia: "Splash"
the repetition of the same consonant sounds in a line of text. These alike sounds can appear anywhere in the word, but will usually be found at its end or middle, or at the end of the stressed syllable. What's vital is that the repetition occurs in quick succession, as in: pitter-patter.