Political instability. More recently, democracy is criticized for not offering enough political stability. As governments are frequently elected on and off there tend to be frequent changes in the policies of democratic countries both domestically and internationally.
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- - House of representatives
- - Without good and healthy air and environment, illness could strongly occur.
- -Mining does protects the environment as it helps lakes and rivers and more get the environment they need.
<u>Frederick Herzberg's</u> research focused on how some people are motivated by internal aspirations and life goals, whereas others are primarily motivated by the job conditions.
Frederick Irving Herzberg was a famous psychologist who lived in America. He was known for his motivator-hygiene theory. He states that people are generally influenced by two sets of factors.
According to Frederick, hygiene factors don’t contribute to motivation, but absence of hygiene may cause lowering the motivation level.
Frederick says that there are many factors in the workplace which induces motivation for the employee. Certain factors contribute job satisfaction, while other set of factors may cause dissatisfaction.