the dropping of the atomic bombs was not the right decision because it ws jusitflied at the time as being moral in order to bring more victory and prevent the deaths of americans. but however research shows that it was clearly not moral to use this weapon knowing that it would kill civilians and destroy urban milieu
I believe one reason was that it was consensual between two young lover say 18 and 17 most 18 year olds would still be charged but given a second chance or should have been given.
During the Song period, women experienced subordination and social restriction, epitomized by footbinding
More about Song period
The song period or Dynasty is from China's 960-1279CE in comparison to the Tang Dynasty, women's political function and public appearance decreased due to the rebirth of Confucianism. In the Song period, foot binding also became common.
However, women in song period also had new and strengthened property rights, and achieving social mobility and political power was not entirely out of the question. In fact, there are numerous instances of lower class women who succeeded in gaining significant authority by giving the Imperial Court's higher echelons pleasure.
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