Water is an inorganic molecule.
Further Explanation:
The organic compounds are the substance that consists of hydrogen and carbon atom. The organic compounds held together through covalent bond. On the other hand, the inorganic compounds are the substance which does not consist hydrogen and carbon atom altogether but exception are there. They held together by hydrogen bonds. These bonds are stronger than dipole interaction and Vander wall forces but on they are week from covalent bonding or ionic bonding.
The major examples of inorganic compounds are salts, metal, hydrochloric acid and water. The exception in the inorganic compound is carbon dioxide which contains carbon but still they are inorganic. The chemical formula of water is
, it does not consist any carbon that’s why it is referred as inorganic compound. Water contributes in the normal body weight of an individual. The water plays a significant role in the human body that’s why it is crucial to drink enough water on daily basis.
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Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Biology
Topic: Inorganic compound
Water, inorganic compound, organic compound, drink, human body, metal, salt, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen, carbon atom, Vander-wall forces, covalent bond.