I believe that it is: borrowed from other signs.
Hope this helps!
It makes a text of 50-70 words to begin with: look at the world with wide open eyes, and end up with the words: there has been a miracle!
sorry the language is not understood able u can come to meet I'll say bsx-ouhs-gsk
Mabey you mean how did it get the name? well answer Christofer Columbus
1f= -a, -am, -ae, -ās
2m= -us, -um, -ī, -os
2n= -um, -um, -a, -a
3mf= (modified stem/various), -em/īm, -ēs, -ēs/īs
3n= -(modified stem/various), -(modified stem/ various), -a/īa, -a/īa
Present tense= -o, -s, -t, -mus, -tis, -nt
Hope that helps!