The nervous system is organized as a hierarchy is a Jackson's theory
Jackson was one of the founding fathers of neuro- clinical psychology. He found the relationship between Spencer proposed the evolutionary principle of neural functioning and his clinical observations in focal brain lesion principle. Jackson was more occupied with the reverse effect of evolution which is called dissolution. In Jackson views those neurological symptoms, such as aphasia, hemiparesis, and epileptic seizures represent a dissolution which was reverse of the evolution of the nervous system caused by a cerebral lesion. The lesion of higher centers is related to the negative leading symptoms and positive symptoms. recent imaging studies reveal that the rostr-ocaudal system of the brain may be hierarchically organized.
D.which requires popular sovereignty,political liberty, and majority rule.
Answer: A
How leaders interacted with their subordinates was a common denominator in all leadership behaviour theories.
They were not able to vote because they did not have any electors to represent them.