The answer for your question is C. Moscow
Rome and Carthage became enemies because of power. They each wanted control of trade and resources.
1. goddess of money..
3. creatoe of the whole....
4. destroyer..
5. god of..
to protect and enhance the rights of African Americans
The 13th Amendment ended slavery in the US. The 14th Amendment gave blacks citizenship and established due process. The 15th Amendment gave black men the right to vote.
These three amendments were passed toward the end and following the Civil War. They ended the practice of slavery releasing blacks throughout the South from enslavement. The 14th and 15th Amendments provided rights and Constitutional protect for blacks in addition to giving them the power to vote. However, Southern governments found ways around the amendments to prevent blacks from exercising their full rights.
The Justinian
Code was created in order to create one single set of laws for all of the
Byzantine Empire. This code was extremely important because it served as the
basis for everyday actions within the empire including marriage, criminal
justice, slavery, and property rights. Along with this, the code ended up
serving as the basis for the laws of the Byzantine Empire for the next 900
years. Countries all over world use ideas from Justinian Code's in order to
form a comprehensive set of laws. The four sections of the code are the Codex
Constitutionum, Digesta, Institutiones, and the Novella Constitutiones Post