A. the digestive, muscular, and respiratory
Muscle weakness affects the muscular system (muscles are in the muscular system) , stomach pain affects the digestive system (stomach is a part of the digestive system), and coughing affects the respiratory system (coughing hinders the ability to breathe properly).
d. Ao x oo
The other crosses with A would all result in complete dominance because the alleles (other than A) from the other parent are dominant. Because option D. crosses a h o m o zygous parent with a recessive trait, the cross could produce a child with blood type A.
Human activities affect the flow of energy and matter in an ecosystem and alter the energy balance in ecosystems through the unsustainable nature of what they do. The energy flow is affected in several ways as a result of pollution, overpopulation, deforestation, burning fossil fuels, etc. Such changes have stimulated soil erosion, climate change, causing water unfit to consume, poor quality of air and so on. When humans cause a change in the energy balance, they impact the ability of the ecosystem to respond and adapt to changes in the environment. It is like getting a cut, but it never heals and grows bigger instead.
46 chromosomes. Each consisting of one chromatid
Vacuoles are storage sacs used for storing liquid and solid contents.they are small in animal cells and large in plant plant cells vacuoles are full of cell sap and provide turgidity and rigidity to the single celled organisms like amoeba,the food vacuole contain the food item that amoeba has some unicellular organisms specialised vacuoles also play important role in expelling excess water and some waste from the cell.