c that Soviet spies had infiltrated the American government.
Igor Gouzenko was formerly a citizen Soviet Union who was widely known as a spy on Canadian soil. However, he later revealed his mission publicly, and eventually defected to become a Canadian citizen.
During the investigation, the documents recovered from Igor Gouzenko revealed that "that Soviet spy had infiltrated the American government."
This is evident in the fact that following the Igor Gouzenko issue, United States later uncovered about 20 people spies passing information to the Soviet Union under the leadership of Fred Rose.
Similarly was the FBI tracked down of a Soviet spy named Ignacy Witczak, in Los Angeles.
In fact, some New Deal programs borrowed ideas from things already done in Europe. For instance, already in the late 19th century, Germany under the leadership of Otto von Bismarck passed the Health Insurance Bill (1883), the Accident Insurance Bill (1884), and the Old Age and Disability Insurance Bill (1889). Such reforms in Germany continued after Bismarck ended his service as chancellor, with the Workers Protection Act (1891).
Germany's Old Age and Disability Insurance Bill of 1889 provided a pattern and precedent for the United States' Social Security Act, signed into law in 1935.
That would be H(o) Chi Minh, though I believe he had a few other names.
In the mid-1500s, John Calvin taught that humans could not change their fate through prayer, faith, or good deeds. This philosophy became known as predestination.