I believe that the most fitting answer for this question would be that the Crusades were called to fight against the Muslims. In 1095, the Pope claimed that Muslims were destroying the Holy Land and called on European Christians to put an end to it. They sought to regain control over Jerusalem.
Selection of state court judges in Arizona occurs through a variety of methods, varying by level of court and (in the case of the superior courts) by county population. ... courts rely on what is known as the Missouri Plan, while the superior courts ... Election · Endangered Species · Energy · Environment · Finance · Healthcare
1. D
2. F
3. C
4. B
5. E
6. A
In a democratic state, different actors participate; the group of people who are able to choose their representative is considered , and who effectively supports the roots of a political party, a partisan. The action plan is the activities that a candidate proposes to execute during his administration. Convention is the space where members of a specific political party meet, in order to socialize and reach agreements on the action plans that they want or will execute. Finally, a participatory democracy means that where several people have the right to choose their representative to promote and execute the action plans that can accommodate several in search of a common good.
The decline of Olmec society might have been caused by civil conflicts. Conflicts among the citizens of this society are likely to have been the cause of its downfall.