George Washington elected president of the United States
Louisiana Purchase made by US President Thomas Jefferson
War of 1812
Monroe Doctrine begins under President James Monroe (means USA stays out of colonialism) 1823
Mexican War between the United States and Mexico (1848)
Compromise of 1850
Dred Scott v Sandford ruling issued by the US Supreme Court (means southerners could take back into slavery people who escaped slavery by going north) 1857
Missouri Compromise (meant missouri could be a slave state and maine a free state)
The US Civil War begins
13th Amendment ratified : slavery abolished 1865
14th Amendment ratified : ex slaves considered citizens. but also meant corporations could be counted as a persons 1868
Impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson 1868
15th Amendment ratified 1870 African American men could vote
the Allies' desire to seek retribution for Germany's actions
hope this helps
Were the colonists justified in resisting British policies after the French and Indian War? The colonists were justified in revolting against the British. If the colonists wanted to revolt that was their choice. ... Also the brits had no right making the colonists pay for taxes of the French Indian War.