->roci sedimentare , de exemmplu : nisip , pietris, argila
->sunt foarte frecvente alunecarile de teren in aceste zone
->sunt format in era neozoic
->Depres. col a Trans: -> are inaltimi > 100 m
-> Pod. Moldoveni -> inaltimi foarte foarte mici
-> Depres. col a Trans ->exista domuri cu metan [CH4]
-> Pod. Moldovei -> nu exista domuri
->Depres.col a Trans-> are depresiuni in munti
->Pod. Moldoveni -> nu are depresiuni , e neted
Core is made up of <em>a</em><em>l</em><em>l</em><em>o</em><em>y</em> which is the combination of <em>I</em><em>r</em><em>o</em><em>n</em><em> </em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>N</em><em>i</em><em>c</em><em>k</em><em>e</em><em>l</em><em> </em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>G</em><em>o</em><em>l</em><em>d</em><em> </em><em>,</em><em> </em><em>P</em><em>l</em><em>a</em><em>t</em><em>i</em><em>n</em><em>u</em><em>m</em><em> </em>and <em> </em><em>U</em><em>r</em><em>a</em><em>n</em><em>i</em><em>u</em><em>m</em><em>.</em>
(From Google)
One way that glaciers change the landscape is by erosion. As they pass over the ground, the ice scrapes up soil and rock. A valley glacier will leave a valley much deeper, as it erodes the underlying surface with plucking and abrasion.
Solar radiation has a lower intensity in polar regions because the angle at which solar rays hit the Earth is not as direct as at the Equator. Another effect is that sunlight has to go through more atmosphere to reach the ground.