change in the frequency of alleles within a gene pool from one generation to the next. When changes is noticeable as the production increases, it is called Evolution.
Root and Rise is used during Yoga Session.
Explanation: Root and Rise is primarily used during the Yoga session whereby a woman and man will get connected to his environment( Nature) whereby you meditate on your thought without being disturbed by anyone. Its a state of total Calmness from the top of your body to the sole of your feet .
although it is possible to have more than one state, it is also possible to have only one state
In argument or logic, inconsistency often referred as internal contradiction or logical inconsistency is a term of a fallacious argument, whereby two or more propositions are asserted that cannot both possibly be true.
Hence, in this case, being described as voluble, verbose, long winded and loquacious is contradictory to being described as an individual who has never utter more than twelve words sentence before.
Therefore the argument is rather considered as Inconsistency
Environments can desensitize people to think if they are around them a lot. People with violet environments may think violence is normal and won't react to it as much.