Yes you are right it is the 3rd one ( container for the fertilized egg).
The correct answer is: the short half-life of edrophonium makes it impractical for long-term.
Edrophonium is used for the diagnostic of myasthenia gravis. In patient with myasthenia gravis, the body produces autoantibodies which inhibit nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the neuromuscular junction. Edrophonium, on the other hand, is acetylcholinesterase inhibitor which blocks the effect of acetylcholinesterase enzymes (AcH stays in synaptic cleft).
Substitution for the edrophonium is pyridostigmine which is also acetylcholinesterase inhibitor but with long-term maintenance.
11)El ciclo del agua, conocido científicamente como ciclo hidrológico, se refiere al intercambio continuo de agua en la hidrosfera, entre la atmósfera, el agua del suelo, la superficie, el agua subterránea y las plantas. La ciencia que estudia el ciclo hidrológico es la hidrología.
12)Sabems que las etapas del ciclo hidrológico son las siguientes:
Las implicaciones que tienen para la vida cada una de las etapas son:
Evaporación, se reduce el nivel de los ríos, los lagos pequeños se seca, y se eleva la temperatura del ambiente.
Condensación, Es el proceso en el cual se forman las nubes, por lo que la luz solar disminuye.
Precipitación, produce nuevamente el aumento de los niveles de rios y lagos, y la disminución de la temperatura.
<h2>When too walk your dog you are using energy from the sunlight to power this activity</h2>
The ultimate source of energy in the ecosystem is the sun. When we take our dog for a walk, we are utilizing energy stored in our body that we obtained food. We must have obtained that from either plants or animals. The animal in turn must have obtained its food from plant. Plants are the organisms in the food chain who can convert the energy from the sun into the chemical energy. So, we can say that when we walk our dog we use energy from the sunlight to power this activity.
Once the sun's energy reaches earth, it is intercepted first by the atmosphere. A small part of the sun's energy is directly absorbed, particularly by certain gases such as ozone and water vapor. Some of the sun's energy is reflected back to space by clouds and the earth's surface.