Socially assistive robots are robots that are able to interact with humans and to meet cultural and social expectations associated with the roles they have been created to perform.
When symbolic interactionists study socially assistive robots, they are most likely to emphasize interaction dynamics between robots and humans.
Term Lifestyle
Lifestyle is the way people see their self in term of activities, value, interest and their opinion and believe that people see them in the same way.
Although lifestyle are sometimes influence by culture, family and social class.
Therefore Term lifestyle is a person way of
Living his or her life just the way they want it to be and it a way of life of an individual, group, or culture.
When two or more people are communicating but one of the parties is not truly responding but using cliches, usually he or she uses impersonal responses. This type of messages involve the use of generalizations, intellectualized phrases and statements that not come from personal experiences, which avoids an efficient communication.