Pedro Álvares Cabral
Pedro First discovered Brazil. Brazil was officially "discovered" in 1500, when a fleet commanded by Portuguese diplomat Pedro Álvares Cabral, on its way to India, landed in Porto Seguro, between Salvador and Rio de Janeiro.
The Answer is two
The building of highly functional multi-story buildings
The Indus civilization was between 25000 BCE to 1700 BCE. Lasting from 3300 BCE to 1300BCE, Indus civilization also called the Indus valley civilization was an ancient civilization located in what is today called Pakistan and some part of INDIA. It is the earliest know urban culture of the Indian subcontinent at the bronze Age, South Asia. At it peak, the Indus valley has a population of about five million people. Some called it the Harappa civilization. Large cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa were built in the area
By studying the fossil record we can tell how long life has existed on Earth, and how different plants and animals are related to each other. Often we can work out how and where they lived, and use this information to find out about ancient environments.