Answer: Oui, je l’aime.
Explanation: To fill in the blank, you need to say Yes, I like it. For this you use COD direct object pronouns. Me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les. Use la because the object (voiture) is feminine, but since aime starts with a vowel, you make it l’ Je l’aime. I like it.
As early as the 19th century, we the English made the Baie des Anges their favorite winter resort, giving their name to the world's most famous promenade, on the initiative of the Reverend Lewis Way. It gives Nice its cosmopolitan and aesthetic identity between sea and palm trees.
It depends on what you want to say, I can translate for you on what you want to say if you want?
1. Cet acteur pense [que la pièce aura du succès]
2. Le géant Gargantua est un héros de roman [que Rabelais
a inventé.]
3. L'enchanteur a jeté un sort à son ennemi
[quand il ne s'y attendait pas.]
4. Le réalisateur explique [qu'il a tourné son film en Alaska.]
5.[ Lorsqu'on voyage,] on découvre de nouvelles cultures.
6. Le chevalier [qui remportera le tournoi] épousera la princesse
Yasmine, greets Madame Brochant with "Bonjour, Madame!"