The English writer and philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft was actively involved in the movement for liberating and educating women.
For Wollstonecraft the first task of any human being, male or female, is to build his or her own character. Correct answer: D
She believed that educational reform is the key and that only education will give women access to the same educational opportunities as men.
<u><em>There are 2 types of economies,</em></u>
<u><em>---> Formal economies ( Eg: Capitalism, Socialism etc)</em></u>
<u><em>----> Informal economies ( Eg : Underground Economy)</em></u>
c. Conflict Theorists
Conflict theory: In sociology, the term "conflict theory" was proposed by a famous sociologist named Karl Marx, and is described as a phenomenon in which particular society is said to be in a state of "perceptual conflict" due to the competition related to "limited resources". Therefore, it suggests that a specific "social order" is being maintained by power and domination, instead of conformity and consensus.
A conflict theorist is a theorist who holds or works on the conflict theory perspective.
In the question above, the given statement represents the conflict theorists.
Answer: The <u>Mississippi River </u>is North America's greatest river system.
The <u>Amazon River</u> is South America's greatest river system.