If the people of Boston must fight for their liberty, we will help them. ... It is undated, but must have been written two or three months before it was published. ... Now I must tell my gentle poet good-bye, for I have a letter to write home before I go to ... It got me thinking that if someone wanted the place, there must be a reason. 2.
Marco and Anya were walking along the beach when they came across something they had never seen before. They found an unknown creature who had 16 legs but that was not octopus.
Macro made a phone call to his brother and put the phone on speaker for Anya to listen too.
Macro: Hi brother, I have found some unique creature on a beach.
Brother: What is it?
Anya: We do not know but it has 16 legs.
Brother: Okay, send me a picture. I would like to see.
Macro and Anya made a decision to take the animal with them to his brother for inspection as Macro's brother is a scientist.
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Pretentious is synonymous to C. SHOWY.
You are pretentious when you attempt to impress people by affecting greater importance or talent than is actually possessed.
Other synonyms of pretentious aside from showy are:
ostentatious, overambitious, pompous, grandiose, extravagant, flamboyant, overblown, magniloquent, and many more.
absurd is synonymous to foolish or unreasonable
argumentative is synonymous to quarrelsome, contrary
annoyed is synonymous to irritated, irk
The Maze is a complex symbol representing both chaos and order. Every night the walls move and shift, making it harder for the Gladers to find an exit. These constant changes along with the apparent impossibility of actually solving the Maze make most of the Gladers see the Maze as a symbol of futility and chaos. Yet, like all labyrinths, the Maze only appears chaotic and random. Thomas teaches the Gladers to adopt a new, more all-inclusive perspective when viewing the Maze in order to see the rationality in its construction. As Thomas realizes, instead of shifting randomly, the Maze’s wall change in the same way according to a pattern that repeats itself on a monthly basis. While the boys were only trying to solve each section of the Maze individually, Thomas shows them that if they look at the Maze as a whole, then they will see that patterns in the Maze actually spell out a code word. As such, the Maze reveals how things and events that seem chaotic can actually be seen as ordered when looked at from a new perspective.