I believe the correct answer is Investigative interest.
John Holland is a psychologist who propounded a theory that classified thinkers and their various career interests. According to him, investigative interest involves an individual who is a rational thinker with a huge interest in research work and theory. Such an individual is always inquisitive and open to finding and understanding new theories. In my opinion, having an investigative interest make you think logically, you analyse issues and try to solve them. Examples of careers that involve investigative interests are Writers, Aerospace Engineer, Pharmacist, electrical engineer, etc.
Given the above, Austin's intention to one day become an engineer to solve issues in the world of science indicates an investigative interest.
Kangaroo rats
A kangaroo rat is small animal that is found in the deserts of the southern and western U.S.. They are intelligent mammals and are highly adapted to their environment.
The kangaroo rats does not drink water and does not need water at all. They preserve water. They have well adapted themselves to the life of a desert. They can extract moisture form their seed diet. They have an excellent sense of hearing and can hear the approaching owl from mile away.
The kangaroo rats have thick oily coats and they do not sweat though they live in the desert. These adaptations prevent them from losing water in the harsh dry and hot climate.
Application : Application for the assistance of federal financial directly from the FEMA.
Subapplication : Application for assistance for the federal financial that is indirectly access through some pass-through entity. (Applicant to FEMA or Subapplicant to the Applicant)
Subapplicant : A state agency, territorial government, local government or any federally-recognized tribal government who submits a sub-application to an applicant for the assistance under the FEMA's hazard mitigation grant programs.
Yes it is true that an applicant user with access to submit or sign can submit as well as update, review the status, fill and can complete the applicant who is acting as the sub-applicant sub-application.
During an El Niño, the trade winds weaken in the central and western Pacific.Surface water temperatures off South America warm up, because there is lessupwelling of the cold water from below to cool the surface. The clouds and rainstorms associated with warm ocean waters also shift toward the east.Aug 20, 2015