The number of double bonds in the fatty acid chain
Jane is a researcher who studies
the individual and collective aging processes in humans. Jane works in the
field of gerontology. Gerontology is the extensive study of aging processes in
humans as they age. Under gerontology, the physical, mental, and social changes
in older people is studied as they grow.
D. decrease the amount of erosion along the hillside
When logging operations are conducted on a hillside near a river, the operations will decrease the amount of erosion along the hillside because the tree's root hold soil particles and does not allow them to erosion. We can see in many region that there is presence of vegetation on the bank of river or stream in order to prevent erosion of soil so that's why we can say that logging operations causes decrease erosion along hillside.
Answer:The anesthesia has blocked the Inter-neurons from carrying signals to the brain.