A carbon structure is visually a highly disordered structure.
It is for this reason that it lacks structural integrity .
A carbon structure forms at the edges or is the residue of other elemental compounds.
The disorder of this structure allows it to have many available bonds and and is responsible for building more complex carbon based molecules.
The flagellates and termites share an obligate mutualistic association
Organisms of same or different species tend to interact with one another in an ecosystem. The close interaction between two organisms is referred to as SYMBIOSIS. A type of symbiotic relationship is MUTUALISM, which is when both organisms benefits from the relationship.
However, mutualistic relationship can be of different types depending on how dependent the involved organisms are on each other. The example in this question illustrates OBLIGATE MUTUALISM, which is when the organisms involved in the mutualistic relationship depend on one another for survival. This is the case of the termites and the flaggelates where the termite depends on the flaggelate for enzymes that helps them digest cellulose while the flaggelates depend on termite for nourishment/food.
The termite will not survive if it doesn't get enzymes to digest its cellulose while the flaggelates will also not survive if they do not get nourished. Hence, the two organisms share an OBLIGATE MUTUALISTIC RELATIONSHIP.
Thickness of the skin and hair on the body
Thickness of the skin and hair on the body are the characteristics of animals that help them to survive the temperatures of their environments. If the animal is herbivore so they feed on plants while if the animal carnivore it feed on flesh. Yes, they have characteristics such as long legs and powerful nose etc that help them find and capture food. Yes, the animals have ways to sustain themselves if the availability of food or water is limited such as camel. Different natural defenses used by these animals against predators such as Camouflage. Yes, they have characteristics to protect their young such as horns used by deer and buffalo.
The transfer of antibodies from a mother to the fetus. This occurs naturally, and since it is the transfer of antibodies, it is passive immunity.