Iraq invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990. In response to this aggression, the United States, along with a coalition of allied countries, started the Gulf War against Saddam Hussein's regime.
The Gulf War began when Iraq under Saddam Hussein captured neighboring Kuwait to secure oil supplies in August 1990. This meant that the UN intervened and that the United States, with President George H.W. Bush at the helm, with military force, defeated the Iraqi forces after a lengthy and preliminary bombing campaign from the air, which began on January 17, 1991. The American losses were historically few for a land war, while the Iraqi ones were significant.
Hey there
<span>William Shakespeare was born and raised in S</span>tratford-upon-Avon. S<span>tratford-upon-Avon is located in United kingdom.
Correct answer = (B) </span>
The artist is criticizing a big company for its use of foreign child slave labor/labor done in conditions analogous to slavery.
The situation criticized by the artist is that a big multinational company has its' products made in countries where labor laws give space to violent exploration of its workers. Nike has been accused of using sweatshops since the 70s because this makes its production cheaper.
Workers in the cartoon are Asian because Asian workers are the majority in this kind of labor market. The company in the cartoon, Nike, has been continuously accused of using sweatshops to produce its products. New accusations arose in 2017 when the United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) realized a series of demonstrations against the company because of reports of sweatshops in Vietnam.
Grandpa was making it known that his wishes would be carried out, no matter who had any objections. He shows pure determination by the tone he takes. The passage was set, by the author, to show that Grandpa had the final word in the matter.</span>