C. Organism living in the fallen trees lose shelter.
talking about the effects of storm winds falling trees, it creates more light to reach shorter plant which will help the plants to do photosynthesis well, which will even facilitate their fast growth; that's positive.
Fallen trees becoming food for decomposers can also be positive cause this will help the soil or earth of that forest have fertility
New Clearing attracting animals such as man can lead to extinction of forest which to conservators they feel like no-no-no-no that's they'd see it as a negative consequence of the wind storm effect, yes this can lead to de-sheltering of organisms inhabiting that niche(trees)
covalent bonds within each strand
It’s someone’s opinion so the key word “best hints that it an opinion so to be objective is to be unbiased. If you're objective about something, you have no personal feelings about it.
The answer is oil.
The United States' fossil shortage of oil makes the country dependent on outside sources. Mineral oil such as crude oil or commonly known as petroleum came from the ancient fossilized organic materials. This resource is limited. The US is now facing a shortage in oil and becoming dependent to some countries such as middle-east countries.
Pretty sure they're both A.