This is likely King John. In 1215 the Magna Carta was signed which limited the power of kings over his subjects. This granted people certain rights and is marked as the first point of this in English History.
Here's an excerpt from Wiki-pedia:
"Magna Carta Libertatum<span> (</span>Medieval Latin<span> for "the Great Charter of the Liberties"), commonly called </span>Magna Carta<span> (also </span>Magna Charta; "(the) Great Charter"),[a]<span> is a </span>charter<span> agreed to by </span>King John of England<span> at </span>Runnymede<span>, near </span>Windsor, on 15 June 1215.[b]<span>First drafted by the </span>Archbishop of Canterbury<span> to make peace between the unpopular King and a group of rebel </span>barons<span>, it promised the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice, and limitations on </span>feudal<span> payments to </span>the Crown<span>, to be implemented through a council of 25 barons."</span>
The siege of Vicksburg was a major victory for the union because in capturing the city, the union had now captured the Mississippi River which would enable the union to use the river as a transportation waterway for supples and reinforcements. It also divided he South and made communication more challenging for it. Hope this helps!
Madison and his constitution writing colleagues had in mind a system in which the Senate keeps an eye on the House, while the House watches the Senate.
The correct answer is: L<span>ittle Joe was 15 years old when he became John Manley's assistant. He is called "Little Joe" not because he is young but because of his size.
At first, Joe Green is the steady kid for Squire Gordon and Lady Anne at Birtwick Park; he replaces James, who in Chapter 16, after the Squire and his better half have chosen to visit companions and remain at an inn, salvages Beauty and Ginger from eating after an indiscreet man has entered the animal dwellingplace, smoking a pipe. In Chapter 17 the fifteen-year-old Joe starts work under the tutelage of James.