Based on the information provided within the question it can be predicted that the population of the brown rabbits will diminish over time or may even go extinct, while the white rabbit population will thrive. This is because the white rabbits fur color allows it to better blend into it's environment and hide from predators, which in term leads to their survival as opposed to the brown rabbits which have nowhere to hide in the snow.
Answer to Question 1:
As indicated in the passage, fruiting bodies of fungi differ structurally. However, different species can appear to be similar and often misleading thus creating the risk of food poisoning.
Question 2:
Many experiments require student-supplied items, such as _____.
1. Chicken
2. Fresh flowers
3. Distilled water
4. All of the Above.
Answer to Question 2:
The correct answer is 3.
Water comes in varying degrees of purity. When water that contains other substrates or impurities is used for an experiment, it distorts the results and creates errors. So the scientist's ability to determine the root of a problem becomes enervated.
Using distilled water impurities removes the possibility of such an error. Distilled water is also used for cleaning laboratory equipment.
The lipstick from the crime would be crushed and dissolved in an appropriate liquid solvent. The lipstick would then be placed in one of the ink spots on the starting / base line of the paper. Another spot would be created for the lipstick with which it is being compared with.
The paper chromatogram would then be placed vertically on a solvent that acts as the mobile phase. After some time, when the solvent reaches the solvent front of the paper chromatography, by capillary action, the chromatogram can be removed and left to dry.
Bands will have appeared on the chromatography paper formed from the different components of the lipstick. The bands of the lipstick from the crime scene and that with which it is being compared to are observed. If the bands are all aligned, horizontally, then this means it is a complete match. The lipstick must have been the same used at the crime scene.
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None of the choices would lead to all identical gametes.
Gametes are sex cells produced by sexually reproducing organims via a process of cell division called MEIOSIS. Meiosis is a cell division process which produces four (4) daughter cells (gametes), which are genetically different from the parent cell.
The difference in genetical content is as a result of a process unique to only meiosis called CROSSING-OVER OR RECOMBINATION. This process ensures that the genetic content of the gametes are altered. Hence, since gamete formation is done via meiosis, none of the scenarios in the option will lead to all identical gametes.