Obsessive-compulsive behavior: In psychology, the term "obsessive-compulsive disorder" is also written as OCD. OCD is distinguished as one of the mental health disorders in which individuals feel or experience repeated and mostly unwanted thoughts, sensations i.e, obsessions, feelings, and images and because of this they tend to engage or involve in different mental acts i.e, compulsions or behavior in return.
Symptoms: Fear of getting contaminated via germs, fear of harming oneself and others, etc.
Treatment: Psychotherapy.
In the question above, the given statement related to OCD is mostly consistent with the learning perspective.
I'm sure it is natural gas
lands reclaimed from the sea
Hint: Pretend you are a Loyalist
The term cultural region is used to divide a territory into smaller areas into ethnographic or regional groups. Cultural regions are also used for showing a territory where many peoples live that have similar cultural features. They use this information to analyze certain social or demographic variables to understand them as something common to more areas instead of just a situation of some region.