In this classical novel, the captain wears a prothesis in his leg made out of whalebone ivory because a white whale that gave the name to the book, destroyed his leg in an earlier incident.
The suffering that Captain Ahab has it's not only physical, it is emotional, not having his leg, means that he has lost part of his manhood. It's a symbol for energy and determination, that he finally one day he will go back and hunt the whale and get even because of that incident.
Answer a. Think of the underline being a bookshelf and quotations as other pages.
That would be floods can cause a lot of damage
It would be that b/c it is telling you about all the damage that a flood can make. Sry if I get it wrong!
A situation where propaganda could be dangerous would be a political leader using propaganda in order to incite violence or dangerous ideas into people's minds. One example of this would be Hitler, as he used propaganda in order to incite violence and the killing of the jews.
Propaganda can be used for good, however, if it is used in order to inspire people to help out their country. An example of this would be WWII, as people used propaganda and posters in order to inspire people to help out the war effort and to help out the soldiers in the fight against Germany. This was beneficial as it gathered more support for soldiers fighting in the war and helped out in the long run.