The President of the USA is not required to have ever held any office
or been elected to anything. A candidate's level of education or training
for anything is irrelevant, and it would be totally un-American to impose
any sort of religious test.
In fact, a candidate for president is not required to have any skills, talent,
ability, experience, or qualifications of any kind.
The only constitutional requirement is that the candidate will need to turn
35 years old by the time s/he takes office.
B. Most nuclear energy plants are close to water to help cool the reactors, and that water discharged from the plant could disturb the population of fish and other aquatic animals.
Europe's Medieval Agricultural Revolution
Explanation: Crop yields multiplied by at least threefold. Europe's population followed suit, tripling in less than three centuries. The average European lifespan increased by as much as two decades. Towns and cities reemerged, and with them came new crafts and a revival of trade.