The Tang Dynasty (618–907) is considered to be China’s golden age. It was a rich, educated and cosmopolitan realm that was well-governed by the standards of the age and expanded its influence in Inner Asia. It saw a flourishing of Chinese poetry and innovation. Establishment of the Dynasty
Ulysses S Grant played a significant part in guiding the Union army during the Civil War.
Military career of Grant started when he became a colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteers at the start of the Civil War in April 1861. President Abraham Lincoln later made him a brigadier-general. His first great accomplishment came when his troops caught hold of Fort Donelson in Tennessee in February 1862. he established a reputation as a courageous leader when his forces seized a Confederate foothold, Vicksburg, Mississippi. later he was appointed as lieutenant-general and commanded all U.S. armies. His two most famous battles were the Battle of Chattanooga and the Battle of Shiloh.