The temporary division of Korea along the 38th parallel was a success for the policy of containment, as communism did not spread into South Korea. In 1954, SEATO (South East Asian Treaty Organisation) was set up as a copy of NATO. Communism had been prevented in South Korea and the UN was seen as a success.
Mayor Daley deployed thousands of police officers to restrain the protesters.
When the Democratic National Convention met in Chicago in 1968, thousands of protesters staged demonstrations against the US involvement in the Vietnam War. Chicago's mayor, Richard Daley, sent out 12,000 local police officers against the protesters and called in thousands more state and federal officers. The situation became a major riot between protesters and police that came to be known as "The Battle of Michigan Avenue."
In Russia, World War I became the catalyst for the ovethrow of Czar Nicholas II and the rise of the Communist Party (Bolshevik Revolution) led by Vladmir Lenin. Russia became the first Communist country. Communism eventually spread to small countries near Russia and eventually spread to Cuba, China and Vietnam.
Gender parallelism
In the Inca and the Aztec empires, men and women practice gender parallelism, which separated them according to their tasks. Women and men had different roles but equally valued for their part performed in society despite. Men held the positions in government, went for hunting and war. Women looked after their household, farm, children, and other domestic work.
Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala