Hey You!
Florida had wanted to enter as a slave state, which posed a problem and ultimately led to six years of wait.
Hiii I'm good! Also there is not picture! lol
The lender — whether it's a bank, a store, or a car dealer — makes money by charging you an extra amount over and above the amount of the loan itself. The amount of the loan is called the principal, and the extra amount they charge you to borrow the money is called interest.
The importance of Federalism are :
- Federalism helps in the expression of local preferences legitimately.
- This federal form of government provides genuine and active citizens alternate venues to seek policy goals.
- Federalism allows a peripheral government to act as "laboratories" of public policy which will prevent adverse effects of bad policy and allow for the dispersion of good policies.
- Federalism gives citizens the privilege to participate in the various levels of government.
Answer: LIfe= fifth amendment, second amendment, fourth amendment.
Liberty=third amendment, sixth amendment, seventh amendment, eighth amendment.
Pursuit in happiness=First amendment.