Answer: yes, he helped him to take revenge.
they both had the same idea in mind, to get revenge.
Character v. Self
Scrooge visits his nephew's Christmas celebration with the Ghost of Christmas Present, and he experiences the push and pull between his greed and his old memories of joyous family time with his sister.
This causes Scrooge to have conflicting internal feelings about things that he's done and his failures.
Answer and Explanation:
I'll provide an answer against the statement "The fast-food industry can give valuable work experience to teenagers.”
The fast-food industry is not at all concerned with the value the experience of working in it will add to someone's life. As was stated in the text, they hire teenagers "because they are less expensive to hire than adults, but also because their youthful inexperience makes them easier to control." The experience those workers will acquire from that job is limited, probably even useless in other areas. A McDonald's employee does not learn how to cook - they can't leave McDonald's to suddenly work at a regular restaurant. They have machines beeping all around them, letting them know when the food is supposed to be ready.
Asteroids offer a source of volatiles and an extraordinarily rich supply of minerals that can be exploited for the exploration and colonization of our solar system in the twenty-first century. Asteroids represent the bits and pieces left over from the process that formed the inner planets, including Earth.
This is something you’ll have to write yourself because it’s about you.