To maintain pressure within plant cells and keep structure while growth ensues. Good luck, milady. *Tips his fedora*
The answer is E, control sperm production.
Fermentation: When no oxygen<span> is used to break down food and release energy. Only plants have this organelle: chloroplast (hint: it is where </span>photosynthesis<span> takes place); Before . What do the small numbers in the </span>equation<span> represent? a) </span>Atoms<span> b) </span>Molecules<span> c) Base. </span>How many Molecules<span> of Carbon Dioxide are inputs?</span>
Trees help maintain air quality by removing particles from the air. Trees remove a significant amount of carbon dioxide from the air. They also remove ozone and particulates that accumulate in the air. In addition to removing these particles, trees release oxygen back into the air. By removing carbon dioxide and returning oxygen, trees help maintain the balance between these gases in the atmosphere, replenishing the oxygen removed by organisms and removing the carbon dioxide released by organisms.
An organism is a single individual whereas a population is multiple individuals of the same species
ex: a single lion is an organism, a pride of lions is a population
Def of organism: A plant/animal/single-celled life form that grows and responds to its environment