A dietitian because a nutritionist will tell you if you are eating the right portions of food but a dietitian will tell you if you are eating the right food.
When writing a hypothesis, you need to be able to say IF this, THEN this will happen.
<h2><em>★</em><em> </em><em>«</em><em>What are the impacts of human beings on biodiversity ?</em><em> </em><em>»</em><em> </em><em>★</em></h2>
- <em>destruction, degradation and fragmentation of habitats. reduction of individual survival and reproductive rates through exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species.</em>
<h2><em>hope</em><em> it</em><em> helps</em><em>!</em></h2>
cartilaginous joints
The joint system is formed by the joints, which can be defined as the joining region between two or more bones. All bones in the body except the hyoid bone are articulated with at least one other bone. There are several types of joints, among them, the cartilage joints, those that have cartilage between the bones. If this cartilage is hyaline, the joint is called synchondroses; if the cartilage is fibrous, the joint is called symphyses.
The joints are responsible for holding the bones together and allowing the skeleton to move.