Wet on wet and wet on dry technique will be the painting with the two girls. Not the one with the birds the birds will be impasto technique while the lighthouse will be pointillism technique. Please tell me if I'm wrong
Yes. American cuisine, in my opinion, is the most popular cuisine in the entire world. There are so many restaurants and chefs that are all from America and had made american cuisine familiar with the world. Restaurant such as T.G.I Fridays or Texas Roadhouse are popular ones that are all over the world which, indeed have american cuisine, and even fast food places such as Mcdonalds or KFC have all originated from the US.
Just go up to him and say hey could we please talk? and if he says yes then tell him how you feel,
Yes im a BOY but ik what to do i had to do it to my gf i have now But Just have HOPE in your self:)
Hope it helps
Asking promishion before fowarding someones comments
Common sense
master piece
It is like something good and mind blowing ands awesome that is a master piece art or puzzle.