The earth is made up of many interacting system which are quite dynamic in nature. The earth is sub divided into four components which are THE ATMOSPHERE, THE HYDROSPHERE, THE BIOSPHERE AND THE GEOSPHERE. These are the separate systems that made up the earth system.
The hydrosphere is make up of all the water components on the earth surface and how the water cycle through nature. The atmosphere refers to the layers of gases that surround the planet earth while the biosphere refers to the living components on the earth surface. All these systems interact together to keep life existing on earth.
A geostationary orbit, also referred to as a geosynchronous equatorial orbit, is a circular geosynchronous orbit 35,786 kilometres in altitude above Earth's equator and following the direction of Earth's rotation.
The hurricane brings in enormous amounts of rainfall with it, often resulting in flooding. The ground squirrels in this scenario live relatively close to the ocean shore. They live in burrows, spending big portion of their time in them, as well as having their young ones sheltered in them. The heavy rainfall and the flooding of the area will result in filling the burrows with water. The damage for the population of ground squirrels will be enormous, with their young ones all drowning for sure, and the majority of the adults getting drowned as well, or maybe even all of them. Hope this helps!!!!!