The three great schisms in Christianity is bishops , communication , wars.
Assuming there is no right or wrong answer for this as long as you provide support, within the bible God says to the Israelites, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you," in this regard the foreign policy between US and Israel would tie into God's relation to the US. Hope this was helpful.
True, if this is about WW1 the germans rapidly moved through Belgium ignoring thier neutrality in the conflict.
The second level is the federal courts of appeals.
As the name suggests, those who believe that the district court has misapplied the law or abused its discretion in the handling of their case appeal to these courts.
the ability to amend the constitution is almost crucial to the state of our nation's future. As times change, people change, right? Well, when people change, the nation overall changes. Therefor, we need to be able to mold our "rule book" to protect our people in the future as well as the present.