In these lines, we see an example of exposition. Exposition is the part of a text in which the author presents background information that the reader needs to know before reading the story. Exposition, therefore, is the first section of a text. In this case, the background information that readers need to know is that the setting has recently experienced a very destructive war. The character can remember the period before the war, and how the city was transformed.
Active reconstruction of events alters our memory of the important and unimportant events of our lives
According to the study of Cognitive Psychology, memory can be defined as an ability to receive information, store it and recall it when required.
The memory works in three stages namely encoding, storage, and retrieval. Also, there are three types of memories: sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory.
The key theme that has been found in memory research is that is an active process of alteration of memory of important and unimportant events through the process of reconstruction. When new memories are created, it alters some of the important or unimportant events from memories of the past.
For example, one would have a very vague memory of childhood because new memories are created.
To deliver a theme to the audience