D. The boy with the missing teeth entered his insect maze experiment in the science fair
The 7 different types of cookies are Bar,Drop,Molded,No bake,Pressed,Refrigerator and ice box,Rolled, and Sandwich cookies and you disribute them by using a ice scream scooper and just gently scoop them onto the tray.
Each types of cookies has their own type of style and recipe to follow when choosing the 7 types of cookies that you want to bake.
a.) He saw beauty in the flaws as well as the perfections in the country and its people.
I think there is a shift at “...assured him”. From reading the beginning, you would think the person is under arrest, “stay where you are”. But, the sentence goes on to say that the police officer ‘assured’ him that. He could’ve been in danger, so the officer was telling him that help was on the way, just stay put.