In 1697, Africans were not allowed to bury their dead in what had become New York's primary burial ground. Scholars believe that this ban was the reason Africans used the burial ground today recognized as the African Burial Ground National Monument.
The study of this is psychology and you basically just go off of your experience. But, there is not any actual way to read the mind yet discovered by our technology.
The answers on the list are #2, #3 and #4. Those are the answers.
Answer: The origins of the labor movement lay in the formative years of the American nation, when a free wage-labor market emerged in the artisan trades late in the colonial period. The earliest recorded strike occurred in 1768 when New York journeymen tailors protested a wage reduction. The formation of the Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers (shoemakers) in Philadelphia in 1794 marks the beginning of sustained trade union organization among American workers.
hope this helps
Explanation: The Allies told Hitler to stop expanding after they took Czechoslovakia. When They Invaded Poland. The British And French Declared War on Germany, starting WW2. The Soviets Joined and split Poland between them and Nazi Germany.