<em><u>Boy </u></em>code
The Boy Code is <em>a collection of generally non-verbal rules and boundaries that tend to characterize boyhood and masculinity in America, according to William Pollack, PhD, author of Real Boys.</em>
The Boy Code's four foundational pillars are:
- <em>The Sturdy Oak </em>- Men and Boys must not be frail. No weeping, whimpering or hurt gestures allowed.
- <em>Give ‘Em Hell</em> - Boys are considered to be extremely active risk-takers who are physically violent. Boys often learn quickly that most of their poor behavior will be brushed off as "boys will be boys."
- <em>The Big Wheel</em> - Rank and superiority are vital; it's important to try to get to the top of the rankings, regardless of the cost. There's no embarrassment.
- <em>No Sissy Stuff</em> - Feelings are the women's domain, according to the Law. Especially feelings of tenderness.
It is the primary socialization agent. The other three are peer, school and mass media.
The family is responsible for inculcating religiuos believes that forms the core of non-material culture. It is from the family, especially the first five years, that the notion of right or wrong is incalcated.
Non-material values are like love,hardwork, ethics,godliness,kindness.
The sense of smell is excluded as a function of the thalamus.
Thalamus is a large mass of gray matter in the diencephalon of the brain with several functions such as regulating the body's voluntary motor control, consciousness and sleep and wake cycle. The thalamus decides which signals from the ears, eyes, mouth and skin to relay to its area in the cerebral cortex.
b.the colonial administrative section was known as the "civil lines"
- The bazaar is a Persian word for the enclosed marketplace were the goods and services are exchanged and sold and also is used to refer to the network of the merchants, craftsmen, and the bankers that work in that area.
- Evidence of the name first appeared on the 3000 BCE, and shopping is Bazar is a lifeline on the Arabian and middle east and thus forms a part of the South Asian cities and towns that have remained at the central place of business.